Monday, January 21, 2008


A depiction of the angel of death. Painted in 1881 by
Evelyn De Morgan, née Pickering (1855-1919).

Mobador had lived his whole life in hopes of reconciliation with his family. One by one, they passed away, those that were left no longer spoke to him and when they did it was of the past and the things they could only remember a half century ago. None of them knew who he was anymore. No one kept in touch and no one much cared. He could hear the sweeping sound of the scythe, and knew the Angel of Death had waited long enough. And now it was time...

He felt the lilt of the ocean as it lapped at his feet in the dead of winter, its icy and embittered waters stung sharply as he walked into infinity, and there was a great cry as he was swept away like the wheat of the field.

Azrael had swung his scythe.

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