How could you have walked away and never returned but til today -- to return as someone no one knows. Where is the boy? Where is he and what have you done with him? Fifty years ago, fifty, and you expect anyone to remember you? Of course we remember -- we remember the heartbreak and the sorrow you caused us all. Not that we were a happy family, but you sealed our doom -- we became the least of all about us. And where were you? Off to the seashore lying in the sun with your fancy friends and their expensive toys -- you were nothing more to them than a white trash whore. You knew it and you let it happen -- and now you return here as though you had accomplished something in life. You’ve accomplished nothing. You are a failure. All you have is pretty pictures of yourself to paint, distortions of reality -- lies and deceptions.
God help you on your deathbed and I hope you have a long and painful one -- I hope you don’t just quickly die and never be found -- I hope you die slowly while others look on like vultures awaiting carrion -- half cadaver and half croaking ogre that you are! No one wants you here! Turn and go! Leave us to our peace you’ve shattered that it may heal and forget again that you exist! It saddens me too much to look upon you -- failure that you are! I am sickened by the sight of you, as are we all! None of us wish you be here -- be gone! Go!
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